Winefestival, Japanese and rue Montorgueil
Skrivet den: 2010-03-28 Klockan: 11:47:51
WineFestival in Paris! It was a huge place where you could just walk around and test whatever you wanted!
Vinfestival i Paris, det var precis som en mässa. Man fick gå runt och testa precis vad man ville. Det var ett enormt ställe!

I tried several good red wines especially, however the favourite was champange. Went to ALL the champagne stands and obviously tried to act very known in this area!

There was of course chocolate and everything there!

Table of chocolate with marshmallows

In the end me and Elisa bought this lovely red wine. It was one of the first we tasted and it was truly good, I tried to act like I know exactly what I wanted. Montagne 2003, and we got it and it was amazing. + the guy providing us was extremly handsome. We went back in the end to try again and he just looked at us, smiled and said Montagne 2003. He remembered us perfectly. So of course we bought wine :)
De var verkligen hur häftigt som helst på denna mässa, en av de första vinerna vi testade var röda. Jag skulle verka lite cool och veta vad jag ville så jag siktade in mig på en Montagne 2003, killen som stod där försökte med en 05 men jag vet mig inte 03 ska de vara. Den var helt underbart god. Plus att killen var väldigt söt, sen gick vi tillbaka dit jag och Elisa och killen säger direkt Montagne 2003. Vi provade en annan sort men självklart köppte vi en. Riktigt kul!

After we went to the Opera and had Japanese food :)

I had the pleasure to dine with Theo, Sohail and Bas!

We finished the night with a beer at
Rue Montorgueil.