Dinner at Notre Dame, mojitos at Odeon, a good eve!
Skrivet den: 2010-06-15 Klockan: 01:11:45Jag är ledsen men jag kan inte annat än att säga att vi har haft ytterligare en UNDERBAR dag /kväll i Paris. Hur i hela friden ska jag kunna åka hem till Sverige? Jag blir bara mer förälskad i Paris. Det måste komma nåt dåligt här snart!!!
Fransk middag med nya bekantskaper! Marcus från Göteborg bland annat. Emma och Ines!
Jag åt en super god quiche!!
I am sorry but I have to yet AGAIN say that we had an amazing day/night in Paris. How the hell am I supposted to leave Paris when I am just getting more and more inlove wth this city? Something bad must come!
We had a marvelous frenc dinner with new friends. Marcus, Emma and Ines!I had a quiche!
Sara and me! Great girl from Gbg, journalist!
We had to show Emma the Mojitobar! Best mojitos ever!
Hon var jädrigt tjusig i sina fina dojjor men efter en kväll ute så var de lite ömma ;)
Bisous mon amie, toi êtes chouettes ;)
You are the best Honey!! (Ps I look a bit fat here but Its just my jacket!)
Postat av: Esther
Wow where exactly is that Mojitobar? The strawberry ones look great!
Bas and I will be in Paris next sunday 'till the 27th, maybe see you there again!
-Esther (Bas' girlfriend ;) )
Postat av: Anonym
Hey Esther!
How are you!! Yeah we shoul def. meet up! I am staying until the end of this month, perfect!
I am telling you, this mojitobar is amazing. Best mojitos ever! Its a little bit hard to explain but its just a street from the metrostation Odéon. You walk towards a boutique with XXXXXL then the street down and see a boutique called Karin :) then its on the opposite of this!
I ll ask my friend of the exact adress. Otherwise I can go with you and show you!
Thats so nice that you two are coming back! We have to meet up!