Skrivet den: 2010-01-28 Klockan: 19:46:27
It has been such a struggle getting my card for my french bankaccount. You need so much paper, and I got all papers. However just because the school made a SLIGHT mistake and wrote in my studentscard that I am south corean instead of swedish I couldnt get my bankcard. Because they my passport said I am swedish. When I finally got a note from the school, stating that I truly am Swedish, they still said - Hmm well we have to validate this, come back tomorrow. When I came the day after they said, I am sorry but our boss needs to authorize this, if you are swedish or not.
I just smiled. But nw I finally got it.
As well the first time I was there, I asked her in french if she talked English cause I wanted to be sure everything was right, however she said she didnt speak a word of english so I had to try to speak french. Then after some time she got quite angry with me because I spoke french. - Why do you want to speak english in the beginning when you speak perfectly good french, she told me angry.. I was chocked but a little happy. She though I spoke good french ;)
Jag har kämpat att få mitt bank kort, skolan skrev av misstag att jag var sydkorean och därför matchar de inte mitt svenska pass vilket gör att jag inte fått ut kortet förräns nu. Suck!
Plus att första ggr jag var där så frågade jag snällt på franska om hon talade engelska för jag ville vara säker på att allt skulle gå rätt till.. Hon sa att hon inte pratade engelska alls så jag fick prata franska, efter ett tag blev hon arg för att hon tyckte att varför skulle hon pratat engelska i början om du pratar perfkt franska..Jag blev chockad men lite glad..Hon tyckte att jag pratar bra franska :)